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C1 Advanced Topics

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Medical Matters



Look at the pictures below and decide which situation could be described with the following words:

researchcome aroundblindnessunconscious
consultationgenesmedical recordspulse

Listen to 4 short dialogues, and decide which picture best illustrates each situation. Click ‘Answer’ below when you have finished.


  1. Skiing accident (2nd picture from right)
  2. Doctors consulting (picture on right)
  3. Interview about a patient (picture on left)
  4. Gene test (2nd picture from left)
Listening 1

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Listening 2

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End of Practice

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Flashcards Practice Wordlists

practice c1 body health

Body & Health

Flashcards Practice

flashcards body health 1

Body & Health: Medical Conditions

Study Tips

1. Listen to each word as your read the written form.
2. Say the word and listen again to compare your pronunciation.
3. Flip the card and read the definition.
4. Say the word to complete the example sentence. (Flip the card back to check if necessary.)
5. Listen to the example sentence, and say it yourself.


Click / Hover

NOUN: harmful condition, with its own symptoms or bodily changes

“When travelling, your vaccines against local diseases must be up to date.”



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NOUN: problem or illness which affects the mind or body

“She suffered from an eating disorder for many years before seeking medical help.”



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NOUN: condition when the body is unable to work as it usually does

“His history of mental illness meant his suicide came as no surprise.”



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NOUN: general condition of being ill, or a disease

“If we carry on with this level of staff sickness, we’re going to have some serious problems.”

Flashcards Practice

practice c1 arts media

Arts & Media

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practice c1 arts reading

Extra! Extra! Read all about it!



What do you know about the Great Depression in the United States?
What caused instability in the US economy in the late 1920s?
What were the main consequences of the depression?

Reading 1


General Comprehension

1. Quickly scan the unordered text below and decide which of the following statements is correct.

In 1929, the fastest way to hear about breaking news was by

a) listening to the radio.

b) getting your shoes shined.

c) buying a special type of newspaper.

d) talking to someone who looked well informed.


c) An ‘extra’ was a special publication containing the most up-to-date news. It was produced as important events or situations became known. There are a several references to this in the text:

“Sir, the latest edition!…” / “…you won’t hear it on the wireless. Only here in the extra edition.” / The extra edition—fresh off the press… / “…We get to shout it from the rooftops.” / …the thrill of being the first to deliver the news…

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Reading 2

Reading for Detail

Complete Text

The sun set, casting a warm glow on the busy streets of New York City. Newsboys moved through the crowds, their shouts filling the evening air. Among them was young Tommy, a scruffy kid with a cap pulled low, so it almost covered his eyes.

“Extra! Extra! Read all about it!” Tommy’s voice cracked as he waved a crumpled newspaper in the air, his thin frame lost under the weight of the headline shouting from the front page.

The year was 1929, and the Great Depression had tightened its grip. The stock market had crashed, fortunes evaporated, and hope seemed scarce. But Tommy knew one thing: people were hungry for the latest news.

He headed towards a well-dressed businessman, pushing through the crowd like an agile cat. “Sir, the latest edition! The headlines will make your head spin!”.
The man glanced at Tommy, his brow furrowing. “What’s with all the fuss, boy?”
Tommy thrust the paper into the man’s hands. “Wall Street in ruins! Banks collapsing! Read all about it!”
The man’s eyes widened as he scanned the big, bold letters. “My God,” he whispered. “How could this happen?”
Tommy shrugged his shoulders. “Beats me, mister. But it’s all there, and you won’t hear it on the wireless. Only here in the extra edition.”

The extra edition—fresh off the press, ink still wet, stories hitting the streets within minutes of the breaking news reaching the news desks.

Tommy’s heart raced as he continued his rounds. He passed a shoeshine stand, where old Mr. Higgins sat, polishing a pair of old, worn shoes. “Mr. Higgins!” Tommy called. “Get your news here!”
Mr. Higgins raised his spectacles to look at the headline. “Market crash, eh? Well, I’ll be damned. What’s the world coming to?”
Tommy leaned in, lowering his voice. “They say fortunes went up like smoke. But you know what? We’re the lucky ones. We get to shout it from the rooftops.”
Mr. Higgins grinned. “You’re smart, kid. Keep it up.”

And so, Tommy continued through the city’s streets—past carts selling apples, past newsstands with yesterday’s news, past the clatter of streetcars. He felt excited by the power of words, the thrill of being the first to deliver the news to the masses.
“Extra! Extra!” he shouted. “Read all about it!” And the city listened.

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End of Practice

Complete Text

The sun set, casting a warm glow on the busy streets of New York City. Newsboys moved through the crowds, their shouts filling the evening air. Among them was young Tommy, a scruffy kid with a cap pulled low, so it almost covered his eyes.

“Extra! Extra! Read all about it!” Tommy’s voice cracked as he waved a crumpled newspaper in the air, his thin frame lost under the weight of the headline shouting from the front page.

The year was 1929, and the Great Depression had tightened its grip. The stock market had crashed, fortunes evaporated, and hope seemed scarce. But Tommy knew one thing: people were hungry for the latest news.

He headed towards a well-dressed businessman, pushing through the crowd like an agile cat. “Sir, the latest edition! The headlines will make your head spin!”.
The man glanced at Tommy, his brow furrowing. “What’s with all the fuss, boy?”
Tommy thrust the paper into the man’s hands. “Wall Street in ruins! Banks collapsing! Read all about it!”
The man’s eyes widened as he scanned the big, bold letters. “My God,” he whispered. “How could this happen?”
Tommy shrugged his shoulders. “Beats me, mister. But it’s all there, and you won’t hear it on the wireless. Only here in the extra edition.”

The extra edition—fresh off the press, ink still wet, stories hitting the streets within minutes of the breaking news reaching the news desks.

Tommy’s heart raced as he continued his rounds. He passed a shoeshine stand, where old Mr. Higgins sat, polishing a pair of old, worn shoes. “Mr. Higgins!” Tommy called. “Get your news here!”
Mr. Higgins raised his spectacles to look at the headline. “Market crash, eh? Well, I’ll be damned. What’s the world coming to?”
Tommy leaned in, lowering his voice. “They say fortunes went up like smoke. But you know what? We’re the lucky ones. We get to shout it from the rooftops.”
Mr. Higgins grinned. “You’re smart, kid. Keep it up.”

And so, Tommy continued through the city’s streets—past carts selling apples, past newsstands with yesterday’s news, past the clatter of streetcars. He felt excited by the power of words, the thrill of being the first to deliver the news to the masses.
“Extra! Extra!” he shouted. “Read all about it!” And the city listened.

Audio Story (To download, click on the 3 dots -on the right of audio player- and select ‘Download’)

Flashcards Practice

flashcards arts media 1

Arts & Media: The News

Study Tips

1. Listen to each word as your read the written form.
2. Say the word and listen again to compare your pronunciation.
3. Flip the card and read the definition.
4. Say the word to complete the example sentence. (Flip the card back to check if necessary.)
5. Listen to the example sentence, and say it yourself.

breaking news

Click / Hover

PHRASE: information about an event that is currently occurring or developing

“_____ news just in, the Prime Minister now confirming his resignation.”



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NOUN: reporting/ analysis of a specific subject or event

“For _____ of the latest news, local, national and international, stay tuned.”



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NOUN: special article or programme, about a particular subject

“More of our _____ on the Post Office scandal after this short break.”


run a story

Click / Hover

PHRASE: print in a newspaper/ magazine

“While most tabloids are _____ today, The Express focuses on the house-buying crisis.”


practice c1 animals listening

Life on the African Savanna



Look at the picture and answer the following 5 questions below:

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1. Listen to a short description of life on the African savanna, and order the following elements. (See ‘Answer’ below to check.)

a) an animal must always be aware of its surroundings

b) many creatures wear the evidence of past fights, but this one stands out for its most defining feature.

c) Among the calm and quiet, darker forces spectate.

d) Humans have made it suffer, through their ignorance.


1. b)

2. d)

3. a)

4. c)

2. Listen again, and decide if statements a-f are true, false, or not mentioned.

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End of Practice

End of practice – Take a well-earned breather!!


MP3 Audio download on media player. Click the 3 dots and select “Download”.

practice c1 animals


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flashcards animals 1 noses

Animals: Noses

Study Tips

1. Listen to each word as your read the written form.
2. Say the word and listen again to compare your pronunciation.
3. Flip the card and read the definition.
4. Say the word to complete the example sentence. (Flip the card back to check if necessary.)
5. Listen to the example sentence, and say it yourself.


Click / Hover

NOUN: hard, pointed part of a bird’s mouth

“Parrots use their ____s for opening nuts, cleaning their feathers, and even to climb branches.”



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NOUN: hard, pointed part that grows from the head of cattle, goats, rhinoceros etc.

“It looks like that goat’s used its ____s in a few fights.”



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NOUN: nose and mouth that stick out from the face of animals like pigs and dogs

“Pigs’ _____s help them find tasty food buried in the earth.”



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NOUN: long, tube-shaped nose of an elephant

“Did you know that elephants can even use their _____s to pick up a peanut gracefully?”
