Flashcards Practice

flashcards crime release

Crime: Release

Study Tips

1. Listen to each word as your read the written form.
2. Say the word and listen again to compare your pronunciation.
3. Flip the card and read the definition.
4. Say the word to complete the example sentence. (Flip the card back to check if necessary.)
5. Listen to the example sentence, and say it yourself.


Click / Hover

VERB: officially remove guilt

“The jury _____d her from any involvement in the crime.”



Click / Hover

VERB: find someone innocent in a legal case

“Errors in the investigation led the judge to immediately _____ the defendant.”



Click / Hover

VERB: officially forgive someone who is guilty

“After reviewing the case, the President issued them with a _____.”



Click / Hover

VERB: allow someone to leave prison

“When he was _____d, he thanked the prison staff, turned, and walked to freedom.”

Flashcards Practice

Flashcards clothes 1

Clothes & Appearance: Sets of Clothes

Study Tips

1. Listen to each word as your read the written form.
2. Say the word and listen again to compare your pronunciation.
3. Flip the card and read the definition.
4. Say the word to complete the example sentence. (Flip the card back to check if necessary.)
5. Listen to the example sentence, and say it yourself.


Click / Hover

NOUN: set o clothes, typical of a person, culture, time, or thing

“My Cleopatra _____ will go perfectly with the ‘Romans’ theme of the party.”



Click / Hover

NOUN: combination of designs giving a unified appearance

It’s a really simple but eye-catching _____; red clothing with yellow boots, lipstick and glasses.”



Click / Hover

NOUN: set of clothes for an event or activity

“He didn’t have time to change, so he joined us at the opera in his frogman _____.”



Click / Hover

NOUN: collection of all the clothes that someone owns

“I don’t think my _____ really reflects who I am any more.”

Flashcards Practice Wordlists

practice c1 body health

Body & Health

Flashcards Practice

flashcards body health 1

Body & Health: Medical Conditions

Study Tips

1. Listen to each word as your read the written form.
2. Say the word and listen again to compare your pronunciation.
3. Flip the card and read the definition.
4. Say the word to complete the example sentence. (Flip the card back to check if necessary.)
5. Listen to the example sentence, and say it yourself.


Click / Hover

NOUN: harmful condition, with its own symptoms or bodily changes

“When travelling, your vaccines against local diseases must be up to date.”



Click / Hover

NOUN: problem or illness which affects the mind or body

“She suffered from an eating disorder for many years before seeking medical help.”



Click / Hover

NOUN: condition when the body is unable to work as it usually does

“His history of mental illness meant his suicide came as no surprise.”



Click / Hover

NOUN: general condition of being ill, or a disease

“If we carry on with this level of staff sickness, we’re going to have some serious problems.”

Flashcards Practice

practice c1 arts media

Arts & Media


practice c1 animals



flashcards animals 1 noses

Animals: Noses

Study Tips

1. Listen to each word as your read the written form.
2. Say the word and listen again to compare your pronunciation.
3. Flip the card and read the definition.
4. Say the word to complete the example sentence. (Flip the card back to check if necessary.)
5. Listen to the example sentence, and say it yourself.


Click / Hover

NOUN: hard, pointed part of a bird’s mouth

“Parrots use their ____s for opening nuts, cleaning their feathers, and even to climb branches.”



Click / Hover

NOUN: hard, pointed part that grows from the head of cattle, goats, rhinoceros etc.

“It looks like that goat’s used its ____s in a few fights.”



Click / Hover

NOUN: nose and mouth that stick out from the face of animals like pigs and dogs

“Pigs’ _____s help them find tasty food buried in the earth.”



Click / Hover

NOUN: long, tube-shaped nose of an elephant

“Did you know that elephants can even use their _____s to pick up a peanut gracefully?”


flashcards c1 phrases


flashcards c1


Flashcards Practice


Phrases: Come… (emerge)

Study Tips

1. Listen to each word as your read the written form.
2. Say the word and listen again to compare your pronunciation.
3. Flip the card and read the definition.
4. Say the word to complete the example sentence. (Flip the card back to check if necessary.)
5. Listen to the example sentence, and say it yourself.

come up

Click / Hover

become known (unexpectedly)

“I’m afraid a problem has come ______, so I won’t be able to attend the meeting this afternoon.”


come to light

Click / Hover

become widely known or evident

“Every day, more information about the scandal comes to ______.”


come out

Click / Hover

Become known, made public

“Despite his excellent public record, It came ______ that he had been living a double life.”


come through

Click / Hover

become apparent through actions

“Though he did his best to appear calm, the fear came ______ in his trembling hands.”


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