Money: Too Expensive
Study Tips
1. Listen to each word as your read the written form.
2. Say the word and listen again to compare your pronunciation.
3. Flip the card and read the definition.
4. Say the word to complete the example sentence. (Flip the card back to check if necessary.)
5. Listen to the example sentence, and say it yourself.

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ADJ: costing more than something is worth
“I know kiwis are out of season, but I still think these ones are _____.”

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ADJ: informal for ‘expensive’ or ‘too expensive’
“It’s a bit _____ for me. Lovely house. I just don’t have that kind of money.”
a rip-off

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NOUN: something that costs much more than it should
“You paid how much? Oh man, sorry to say it, but that was a _____.”

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ADJ: too expensive to be able to buy
“I’ve done the accounts, and another factory is simply _____.”