Practice Words in Context

practice c1 sport context

Words in Context: Victory and Defeat

Look at the sport headlines and choose the best word to fill each gap.

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Practice Words in Context

practice c1 shopping context

Words in Context: Supply and Demand

1. From left to right, decide who appears in each picture:

    Steve:            Sales executive                            

    Jess:              Warehouse Manager 

    Mary:             Shopkeeper

    Clive:             Factory Machinist


    Steve: right

    Jess: left

    Mary: second from the left

    Clive: second from the right

    2. Listen and decide who:

    • says there is high demand for certain products.
    • thinks certain products were more popular in the past.
    • says customers have double standards.
    • understands the situation, but still feels annoyed.


    1. Jess
    2. Clive
    3. Mary
    4. Steve

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    Practice Words in Context

    practice c1 relationships context

    Words in Context: Growing Up

    Listening for Context

    The general context is ‘growing up’, but the people in the listening below answer specific questions.

    Read the questions carefully before you listen.

    1. What was it like having so many cousins around you?
    2. Do you think you gave your children a good upbringing?
    3. Would you say that responsibility lies at the door of parents?
    4. How would you respond to someone saying they still have issues after all these years?
    5. Was marriage something you ever considered?
    6. Looking back, was home schooling something that benefitted you?
    7. What was it like as an outsider, meeting such a famous star?
    8. Did the kids adapt quickly to their new life on the farm?

    What language would you expect to hear in each answer?

    Now listen, and decide which question each person was asked.

    (When you have finished, click ‘Answer’ to check.)


    A4, B6, C1, D7, E3, F2, G8, H5

    Listen again to check if that helps.

    In Summary…

    You will now see situations A-H summarized with language from the Wordlist and Flashcards.

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    To download the audio, click the 3 dots on the right of the audio player and select ‘DOWNLOAD’.

    JOIN LLT for FREE to download the text PDF of the listening and exercises. (Link opens in new tab.)

    Practice Wordsearch

    practice c1 politics context

    Words in Context: The UK Political System

    Listen to a description of the UK political system.

    While you listen, count how many times you hear words in the Politics Wordlist below.

    Which 2 words appear in a different form, and which word is not mentioned?
    (Click “Answer” when you have finished.)

    republicsocialistthe oppositionthe vote


    constitution3 including different form ‘constitutional’
    declaration1 in different form as ‘declaring’
    socialist0 word not mentioned
    the opposition3
    the vote2

    Words from the Listening

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    To download the audio mp3, click the 3 dots on the right of the audio player and select ‘DOWNLOAD’.

    JOIN LLT for FREE to download the text PDF of the listening.

    Practice Words in Context

    practice c1 personality context adj1

    Words in Context: Adjectives 1

    Definitions Matching

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    Game: Identify the Word

    1. Click on ‘START GAME’.
    2. (Click ‘PLAY WORD’ to listen if you don’t hear anything.)
    3. Select the defined word from the options below.
    4. Click “PLAY WORD” again after you have selected a word.
    5. You may hear the definition repeated., so click on the same word again to score another point!

    How many words can you score in 1 minute?

    6-7 words: GOOD   8-9 words: GREAT!   10+ words: AMAZING!!

    Score: 0

    Practice Words in Context

    practice c1 people phrases context 1

    Words in Context: People, Phrases 1

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    Practice Words in Context

    practice c1 nature context

    Words in Context: 4 Listening Extracts

    1. Look at the words below for this topic. Decide which words could be used to describe each scene in the picture above.


    2. Now listen to check your ideas.

    JOIN LLT for FREE today to continue listening

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    Practice Words in Context

    practice c1 money context

    Money Words in Context: Headlines

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    JOIN LLT for FREE to continue practising. (Link opens in new tab.)

    Practice Words in Context

    practice c1 home context

    Words in Context: Mini Dialogues

    Listen to 3 short dialogues and match them to the pictures.
    Click “Answer” when you’ve decided.


    1. Right
    2. Left
    3. Middle


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    To download the audio file, click on the 3 dots on the right of the audio player and select “Download”.

    JOIN LLT for FREE to download the audio transcript PDF.

    Practice Words in Context

    practice c1 food context

    The Prince’s Last Feast

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    Read the Story

    To download the full story, JOIN LLT. Go on, it’s FREE! (Link opens in new tab.)