Crossword Practice

practice c1 sport crossword

Sport Crossword

Crossword Practice

practice c1 shopping crossword

Shopping Crossword

Crossword Practice

practice c1 relationships crossword

Relationships Crossword

Crossword Practice

practice c1 politics crossword

Politics Crossword

Crossword Practice

practice c1 personality crossword

Personality Crossword

JOIN LLT for FREE to do this crossword. Guest crosswords only in Topics A-C.

Crossword Practice

practice c1 people crossword

People (actions) Crossword

JOIN LLT for FREE to do this crossword. Guest crosswords only in Topics A-C.

Crossword Practice

practice c1 describing crossword

Describing Crossword

JOIN LLT for FREE to do this crossword. Guest crosswords only in Topics A-C.

Practice Words in Context

practice c1 work context

Words in Context: Overworked & Underpaid

1. Look at these statements which summarize a short text.

  • “We have a lot to get through, but a couple of things need our immediate attention.”
  • “She’s fresh from her studies, but it’s clear she’s keen to make her mark and I’m convinced she’s a high flyer.”
  • “It saddens me to say, but we don’t have the money to expand our staff, so if we’re taking someone on, someone else needs to go.”
  • “He lives for the company, and he’s been with us for ages, but recently he’s been causing trouble.”
  • “His complaining has gone viral, and now nearly the whole workforce is out there protesting.”
  • ” ‘Can the technical FM please come to the boardroom.’ Right, now let’s work out how we’re going to sort out this mess.”
  • “They’re asking for things we simply can’t deliver. Anyway, let’s go through their complaints one by one and see if we can resolve this as quickly as possible.”

2. Quickly scan the text and reorder it, so it follows the same order as the statements.

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3. Complete the gaps in the text with words and phrases from the Wordlist.

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Practice Words in Context

practice c1 travel context

Words in Context: 20 Minutes

1. Listen to two short descriptions of people who had a problem while travelling.

Match the descriptions to the picture above and decide who was in a more difficult situation at the end of their experience.


Picture: description 1 is on the right, 2 on the left

The man in description 2 found himself in a more difficult situation, because he couldn’t drive his car, he would need to get it repaired, and he had no clear way of getting home.

The man in description 1, however, could take another train going in the right direction, and he had only lost time and the money he would have to pay for another journey.

2. Decide which description includes the following ideas:

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3. Gapfill

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Audio: Click the 3 dots on the right of the audio player and select “Download”.

Text PDF: JOIN LLT for free to download the transcript. (Link opens in new tab.)

Practice Words in Context

practice c1 tech context

Words in Context: Short Dialogues

1. Listen to dialogues A-E. In which situations is someone receiving help?

2. In which situation:…

  • does someone admit to not knowing anything about something?
  • has someone had to wait a surprisingly long time for something?
  • does someone say they have seen something appear?
  • is someone distracted by a minor irritation?
  • has somone followed an instruction which has not resolved their problem?


1. In dialogues B,C and D, someone was receiving help.


  • Someone admitted to not knowing anything about something in D.
  • Someone had to wait a surprisingly long time for something in A.
  • Someone said they had seen something appear in B.
  • Someone was distracted by a minor irritation in E.
  • Someone followed an instruction which did not resolve their problem in C.

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