Flashcards Practice


Food & Drink: Yuck!

Study Tips

1. Listen to each word as your read the written form.
2. Say the word and listen again to compare your pronunciation.
3. Flip the card and read the definition.
4. Say the word to complete the example sentence. (Flip the card back to check if necessary.)
5. Listen to the example sentence, and say it yourself.


Click / Hover

ADJ: not fresh and good to eat or drink

“I think this milk is _____. Here, have a taste.”



Click / Hover

ADJ: bad because the oil or fat is not fresh

“These peanuts are inedible – completely _____!”



Click / Hover

ADJ: decaying and unsafe to eat or drink

“If you cut out the _____ bit, I think it will be okay.”



Click / Hover

ADJ: old and not tasting fresh

“Who left the bag of crisps open? They’re all _____.”

Flashcards Practice

flashcards education instruction

Education: Instruction

Study Tips

1. Listen to each word as your read the written form.
2. Say the word and listen again to compare your pronunciation.
3. Flip the card and read the definition.
4. Say the word to complete the example sentence. (Flip the card back to check if necessary.)
5. Listen to the example sentence, and say it yourself.


Click / Hover

NOUN: formal presentation by an instructor to a large group of students

“That _____ was so boring that I fell asleep.”



Click / Hover

NOUN: interactive class on a topic, often with a student presentation

“John’s leading the _____ on Friday, so it should be entertaining.”



Click / Hover

NOUN: small group session with personalized guidance and support

“I’d skip the _____, but I’m finding this module really difficult.”



Click / Hover

NOUN: interactive session involving group work and discussion

“That _____ was great, especially the simulation of real-world disaster management”

Flashcards Practice

flashcards describing 1 boring

Describing: Boring

Study Tips

1. Listen to each word as your read the written form.
2. Say the word and listen again to compare your pronunciation.
3. Flip the card and read the definition.
4. Say the word to complete the example sentence. (Flip the card back to check if necessary.)
5. Listen to the example sentence, and say it yourself.


Click / Hover

ADJ: boring because something doesn’t change

“I can’t stand this _____ job; it’s the same thing every single day.”



Click / Hover

ADJ: of an activity, not interesting

“Why do we always have to talk about such _____ topics?”



Click / Hover

ADJ: said or done several times, especially in a boring way

“The _____ nature of ironing drives me crazy!”



Click / Hover

ADJ: of a task, repetitive and requiring effort to achieve

“Filling out this tax form is so _____.”


Flashcards Practice

flashcards crime release

Crime: Release

Study Tips

1. Listen to each word as your read the written form.
2. Say the word and listen again to compare your pronunciation.
3. Flip the card and read the definition.
4. Say the word to complete the example sentence. (Flip the card back to check if necessary.)
5. Listen to the example sentence, and say it yourself.


Click / Hover

VERB: officially remove guilt

“The jury _____d her from any involvement in the crime.”



Click / Hover

VERB: find someone innocent in a legal case

“Errors in the investigation led the judge to immediately _____ the defendant.”



Click / Hover

VERB: officially forgive someone who is guilty

“After reviewing the case, the President issued them with a _____.”



Click / Hover

VERB: allow someone to leave prison

“When he was _____d, he thanked the prison staff, turned, and walked to freedom.”

Flashcards Practice

Flashcards clothes 1

Clothes & Appearance: Sets of Clothes

Study Tips

1. Listen to each word as your read the written form.
2. Say the word and listen again to compare your pronunciation.
3. Flip the card and read the definition.
4. Say the word to complete the example sentence. (Flip the card back to check if necessary.)
5. Listen to the example sentence, and say it yourself.


Click / Hover

NOUN: set o clothes, typical of a person, culture, time, or thing

“My Cleopatra _____ will go perfectly with the ‘Romans’ theme of the party.”



Click / Hover

NOUN: combination of designs giving a unified appearance

It’s a really simple but eye-catching _____; red clothing with yellow boots, lipstick and glasses.”



Click / Hover

NOUN: set of clothes for an event or activity

“He didn’t have time to change, so he joined us at the opera in his frogman _____.”



Click / Hover

NOUN: collection of all the clothes that someone owns

“I don’t think my _____ really reflects who I am any more.”

Flashcards Practice Wordlists

practice c1 body health

Body & Health

Flashcards Practice

flashcards body health 1

Body & Health: Medical Conditions

Study Tips

1. Listen to each word as your read the written form.
2. Say the word and listen again to compare your pronunciation.
3. Flip the card and read the definition.
4. Say the word to complete the example sentence. (Flip the card back to check if necessary.)
5. Listen to the example sentence, and say it yourself.


Click / Hover

NOUN: harmful condition, with its own symptoms or bodily changes

“When travelling, your vaccines against local diseases must be up to date.”



Click / Hover

NOUN: problem or illness which affects the mind or body

“She suffered from an eating disorder for many years before seeking medical help.”



Click / Hover

NOUN: condition when the body is unable to work as it usually does

“His history of mental illness meant his suicide came as no surprise.”



Click / Hover

NOUN: general condition of being ill, or a disease

“If we carry on with this level of staff sickness, we’re going to have some serious problems.”

Flashcards Practice

practice c1 arts media

Arts & Media

Flashcards Practice

flashcards arts media 1

Arts & Media: The News

Study Tips

1. Listen to each word as your read the written form.
2. Say the word and listen again to compare your pronunciation.
3. Flip the card and read the definition.
4. Say the word to complete the example sentence. (Flip the card back to check if necessary.)
5. Listen to the example sentence, and say it yourself.

breaking news

Click / Hover

PHRASE: information about an event that is currently occurring or developing

“_____ news just in, the Prime Minister now confirming his resignation.”



Click / Hover

NOUN: reporting/ analysis of a specific subject or event

“For _____ of the latest news, local, national and international, stay tuned.”



Click / Hover

NOUN: special article or programme, about a particular subject

“More of our _____ on the Post Office scandal after this short break.”


run a story

Click / Hover

PHRASE: print in a newspaper/ magazine

“While most tabloids are _____ today, The Express focuses on the house-buying crisis.”


practice c1 animals

