Practice Words in Context

practice c1 clothes context

Clothes & Appearance: Words in Context

Read the following extracts from a description, and decide which words from the Wordlist could replace the words in bold.

“a woman whose style captivates every stranger she passes by.”

“she looks like someone famous”

“Though her clothes may be simple – trainers, shorts, stockings…”

“a simple (sleeveless) running top

“her confidence flows like an invisible head covering

“transcending ethnic grouping, culture and creed”

“Her appearance is the rhythm of a poem”

Now listen to check your ideas.

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Crossword Practice

practice c1 clothes crossword



practice c1 clothes listening

A Poem to Style



When you buy clothes, which is more important to you, the price, how they look, or how they feel when you try them on?

When you’re out and about, do you prefer to be admired for your style of dress, or go unnoticed?

Do you enjoy dressing up for a special occasion or event?

(If you’re logged in, you can answer these questions in the forum. Even better, book a 30-minute class to practice this topic!)

Listening 1

General Comprehension

1. Listen to 3 short extracts, and decide for each if they are from A) a radio programme, B) a poem or C) the beginning of a novel.

Click ‘Answer’ below when you have finished.


  1. C) the beginning of a novel
  2. A) a radio programme
  3. B) a poem

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Listening 2

Listening for Detail

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End of Practice

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Flashcards Practice

Flashcards clothes 1

Clothes & Appearance: Sets of Clothes

Study Tips

1. Listen to each word as your read the written form.
2. Say the word and listen again to compare your pronunciation.
3. Flip the card and read the definition.
4. Say the word to complete the example sentence. (Flip the card back to check if necessary.)
5. Listen to the example sentence, and say it yourself.


Click / Hover

NOUN: set o clothes, typical of a person, culture, time, or thing

“My Cleopatra _____ will go perfectly with the ‘Romans’ theme of the party.”



Click / Hover

NOUN: combination of designs giving a unified appearance

It’s a really simple but eye-catching _____; red clothing with yellow boots, lipstick and glasses.”



Click / Hover

NOUN: set of clothes for an event or activity

“He didn’t have time to change, so he joined us at the opera in his frogman _____.”



Click / Hover

NOUN: collection of all the clothes that someone owns

“I don’t think my _____ really reflects who I am any more.”


practice c1 clothes

Clothes & Appearance
