@vallivanaro Hi Valli, That's great, well done!! Just a couple of little things to tidy up: "Currently, the Valencian autonomous government h...
@vallivanaro Hi Valli! Would you mind making all the changes you can? Then I'll look through them & guide you to the specific problems. ...
By the way, the "I ask because:" in the comments, is an error. Sorry if that added to the confusion. Thanks, L
@raqulo Hi Raquel, The LLT review method is collaborative, so we start with guiding you to where there are issues with the writing. Once you've...
@raqulo Hi Raquel, Thanks for your travel recollections. Please find a review attached as a .docx and as a PDF link below. Any questions or...
@raqulo Hi Raquel, Thanks for your film review. Please find your reviewed writing attached as a .docx and as a PDF link below. Any question...