
wordlists c1 comm phrases

C1 Advanced Wordlists

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Communication: Phrases (Other)

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 a call for something ⓘ be getting at something ⓘ
 broken English ⓘ compare notes ⓘ
 get back to somebody ⓘ give somebody your word ⓘ
 know something inside out ⓘ make yourself understood ⓘ
 move on 1 ⓘ2 ⓘ3 ⓘ on hold 1 ⓘ2 ⓘ
 put somebody in the picture ⓘ put something forward ⓘ
 put the record straight ⓘ raise your voice ⓘ
 read up on something ⓘ run out of patience  ⓘ
  share your thoughts ⓘ strong language ⓘ
 take issue ⓘ talk business ⓘ