People: DOMI
Study Tips
1. Listen to each word as your read the written form.
2. Say the word and listen again to compare your pronunciation.
3. Flip the card and read the definition.
4. Say the word to complete the example sentence. (Flip the card back to check if necessary.)
5. Listen to the example sentence, and say it yourself.

Click / Hover
VERB: discover or identify the presence or existence of something
“We haven’t _____ed any movement at the property in the last twenty-four hours.”

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VERB: notice or perceive something and register it as significant
“The interrogating officer _____d how Monica blinked quickly when she was under pressure.”

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VERB: watch something carefully and record the results
“He’s stable for the moment, but the nurses will keep _____ing his breathing.”

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VERB: look at something carefully in order to discover information
“When we _____ed the data, we saw small but increasing damage to the fan blades.”