Practice Words in Context

practice c1 comms context

Communication Words in Context

The Appeal

Scene: A large courtroom filled with members of the public and media. The judge, a serious yet fair figure, sits at the bench, while the defense solicitor and prosecutor sit at their respective tables. The atmosphere is tense as the appeal hearing begins. The defendant, a middle-aged man, sits nervously beside his solicitor.

Listen to a short dialogue between the judge, defense solicitor and prosecutor. Which words and expressions from the Wordlist do you hear?

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topic communication practice



wordlists c1 comm phrases

C1 Advanced Wordlists

More Communication Lists:

Communication: Phrases (Other)

  Key:     Listen    ⓘ Pop-up definition

 a call for something ⓘ be getting at something ⓘ
 broken English ⓘ compare notes ⓘ
 get back to somebody ⓘ give somebody your word ⓘ
 know something inside out ⓘ make yourself understood ⓘ
 move on 1 ⓘ2 ⓘ3 ⓘ on hold 1 ⓘ2 ⓘ
 put somebody in the picture ⓘ put something forward ⓘ
 put the record straight ⓘ raise your voice ⓘ
 read up on something ⓘ run out of patience  ⓘ
  share your thoughts ⓘ strong language ⓘ
 take issue ⓘ talk business ⓘ

wordlists c1 comm expressed

C1 Advanced Wordlists

More Communication Lists:

Communication: Phrases Expressed

  Key:     Listen    ⓘ Pop-up definition

 all the same ⓘ all things considered ⓘ
 before you know it ⓘ certainly not ⓘ
 for a start ⓘ how come ⓘ
 how dare you  ⓘ I couldn't care less ⓘ
 I'll see ⓘ in a sense ⓘ
 in short ⓘ I understand (that)... ⓘ
 needless to say ⓘ off the record  ⓘ
 safe to say  ⓘ take it from me ⓘ
 too bad  ⓘ to say the least  ⓘ
 what on earth  ⓘ

wordlists c1 comm general

C1 Advanced Wordlists

More Communication Lists:

Communication: General

  Key:     Listen    ⓘ Pop-up definition

 Absolutely! ⓘ allegation ⓘ anyhow ⓘ
 assurance ⓘ chatty 1 ⓘ2 ⓘ guideline ⓘ
 jargon  ⓘ language ⓘ mark ⓘ
 material ⓘ precisely ⓘ reference  1 ⓘ2 ⓘ
 refusal ⓘ reminder  ⓘ slang  ⓘ
 target ⓘ truly  ⓘ well  ⓘ

wordlists c1 comm verbs

C1 Advanced Wordlists

More Communication Lists:

Communication: Verbs

  Key:     Listen    ⓘ Pop-up definition

 appeal ⓘ assert ⓘ attack ⓘ
 call ⓘ clarify ⓘ conclude  1 ⓘ2 ⓘ
 illustrate  1 ⓘ2 ⓘ instruct ⓘ interpret ⓘ
 invite ⓘ mislead ⓘ motivate  1 ⓘ2 ⓘ
 notify ⓘ quote  1 ⓘ2 ⓘ reassure  ⓘ
 release ⓘ settle  ⓘ skip  ⓘ
 summarize ⓘ support  ⓘ volunteer  ⓘ
Flashcards Practice


Communication: Come… (emerge)

Study Tips

1. Listen to each word as your read the written form.
2. Say the word and listen again to compare your pronunciation.
3. Flip the card and read the definition.
4. Say the word to complete the example sentence. (Flip the card back to check if necessary.)
5. Listen to the example sentence, and say it yourself.

come up

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become known (unexpectedly)

“I’m afraid a problem has come ______, so I won’t be able to attend the meeting this afternoon.”


come to light

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become widely known or evident

“Every day, more information about the scandal comes to ______.”


come out

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Become known, made public

“Despite his excellent public record, It came ______ that he had been living a double life.”


come through

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become apparent through actions

“Though he did his best to appear calm, the fear came ______ in his trembling hands.”


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